The planting of the Buddha’s hand citron tree is very important, because it determines how well the tree will grow, bear flowers and ultimately produce citrons (the ancestor oflemon). The Buddha’s hand citron tree requires well drained and rich soil for it to develop well. Buddha’s han...
Candied Buddha's Hand Citron: If you have never seen a Buddha's Hand Citron before you probably are thinking Monsanto has genetically engineered a cross between calamari and a lemon. Well, they probably have, but the mutant fruit you are looking at is ac
Plant the citron tree a few inches deep directly into the ground where there is a sunbathed area yet protected from heavy winds. It’s best to do this when the climate tends to be mild in late summer to winter. At the same time, it’s important to note that planting them during the...
▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 Buddha名词 佛名(几乎一直被使用)() 佛陀名() 不常见: 佛像名 · 佛祖名 · 浮屠名 · 佛爷名 · 大圣名 · 浮图名 例子: Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha— 瞿昙 · 乔答摩 Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple— ...
tree of buddha n.菩提树 Buddha's relics n. 舍利子(骨灰) to chant the name of Buddha 念佛 wooden niche for statue of buddha 木佛龛 Buddha's hand citron 佛手壶 相似单词 buddha n.佛 Buddha n. 1.佛;佛陀;佛像 最新单词 argument的中文意思 n. 1.[C,U]争论,争吵,争辩,辩论 2....
Fo shou gan, Buddha's fingers, fingered citron, cédrat digité, main de Bouddha, sarcodactyle, Buddhafinger, bushukan, djerook tangan, jeruk tangan dewa, limau jari, phât tu, Aceh orange tiger nails, orange god hands, orange Buddha’s hands. The origin of Buddha's hand plant can be...
We’re not joking about the aroma of the Buddha’s Hand—it smells good. So good, that it’s presence in a home is better than potpourri. "One reads of people carrying Buddha's-hand citron in their hands or placing them on tables for their strong, delicious odor; of their being used...
tree of buddha n.菩提树 Buddha's relics n. 舍利子(骨灰) to chant the name of Buddha 念佛 wooden niche for statue of buddha 木佛龛 Buddha's hand citron 佛手壶 相似单词 buddha n.佛 Buddha n. 1.佛;佛陀;佛像 最新单词 argument的中文意思 n. 1.[C,U]争论,争吵,争辩,辩论 2....
tree of Buddha n. 菩提树 tree of buddha n.菩提树 gautama buddha n. (= Gautama Buddha) 乔达摩·悉达多 buddha statue 佛像 the Buddha and the Patriarchs 佛祖 Living Buddha 活佛 Buddha's hand citron 佛手壶 Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛寺 坐落在上海市区北侧的安远、江宁路口。建于1918年,是...
tree of Buddha n. 菩提树 buddha statue 佛像 the Buddha and the Patriarchs 佛祖 Living Buddha 活佛 tree of buddha n.菩提树 Buddha's hand citron 佛手壶 Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛寺 坐落在上海市区北侧的安远、江宁路口。建于1918年,是一座仿宋殿宇建筑,布局严谨,结构和谐,气势宏伟。寺内中轴线...