a mysterious Prince from Nepal who gained enlightenment while he sat under a large, shapely fig tree. Buddha never claimed to be God or his emissary on earth, only that he was a human being who had found a kind of serenity that others could find too. This documentary tells the story of...
Even some rival Gods from other religions may have jumped on the bandwagon and claimed to be a manifestation of Buddha. In those heady days it seemed you could have as many versions as you like. It is plain that there are many planes of existence. So Buddhism has as many branches, ...
According to foundational Buddhist scriptures,Gautama Buddhaclaimed to be an ordinary man—not a God, superhuman, or prophet. The Buddha even denied that he was omniscient, though he did emphasize that what he knew was all that really matters. The Buddha presented himself as a philosopher, an ...
Director, who has been maintaining a low profile after the release ofis now ready with his next film Hate Story, based on sex. Following Aamir Khan.s footsteps, he too warns children to stay way from the movie.The film was written keeping .A. certificate in mind. .Hate Story. is anyway...
Why is Maitreya Bodhisattva, the Future Buddha, the face of love? Why does his name translate as “friend” — and more precisely, loving friend? His Bodhisattva name also translates as “just love.” Why have so many people through history falsely claimed to be Maitreya Bu...
Shakyamuni never claimed to have created the Dharma. He identified himself as a person who was awakened and liberated by the Dharma. The discovery of the Dharma that had existed before him was called Awakening. He emphasized the importance of relying upon the Dharma. In the Sutra of the Fina...
The Buddha claimed he had realized complete Awakening and insight into the nature and cause of human suffering, along with the steps necessary to eliminate it. This understanding manifested itself in the Four Noble Truths. This supreme Awakening, possible to any being, is called the state of Bod...
precepts. We do not know whether there was a sharp break between ordained and trained monks who carefully followed monastic rules in their search for enlightenment and men who simply claimed to be monks, wore monastic robes, shaved their heads, but otherwise did not follow monastic rules (p. ...
“I’m just a worker who sweeps the ground and levels the road for everyone. In the future, there will be others who can lay the gravel and pour on the asphalt. Right now, we can do the work that nobody wants to do, the work that no one dares to do. Bit by bit, we will op...
The temple houses what is claimed to be the oldest Daibutsu (Big Buddha) statue in Japan. The Asuka Daibutsu is at least one century older than theBirushana Daibutsuat Todai-ji Temple in Nara. Despite repairs and alterations, the statue's facial features and hands are still the originals...