Mixing buckwheat at reduced seeding rates with other cover crop species is one way for producers to reduce volunteer potential; however, this may compromise weed suppression. To investigate mechanisms behind buckwheat weed suppression and how using buckwheat in mixtures can affect suppression, we ...
These reports underscore the importance of crop management to achieving weed-suppressive stands of CBW. Management decisions such as tillage method, the time between residue incorporation and seeding, and planting time can all impact the establishment of a CBW cover crop [53]. Abiotic stresses such...
Buckwheat as a cover crop in Florida: Mycorrhizal Status and soil analysis. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Syst. 2014, 38, 1033–1046. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Omidbaigi, R.; Mastro, G.D.E. Influence of sowing time on the biological behaviour, biomass production, and rutin content of ...