Our premier New York summer day camp experience makes our programs nurturing, enriching, challenging and fun while also age appropriate for all of our campers.
He trained at Camp Mills in Long Island and arrived in France that fall with Company K of the 165th US infantry. His early letters complained of overcharging by locals – "they think we must be all millionaires when we come from the US" – while adding that he had little of his $15 ...
Field Day is an annual competition that takes place at the end of the school year at Buckley Country Day School. Every year, the students at the school are separated into two teams, Red and Blue. All first graders and any older, new students are given their teams. On this important day...
One day, a call came in from Animal Control regarding a situation involving 11 piglets from two different litters that needed care, as their moms had rejected them. Would I be willing to take them in and care for them? I said yes, and it forever changed my life. There was little ...
But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property.” (21:20) That is, it’s okay to beat your slaves to death, as long as it takes them at least twenty-four hours to die of their wounds. There’s a single sentence that ...