transportation syndicate(only gas guzzling automobiles and trucks need apply-screw mass transit), the healthcare and pharmaceutical syndicate(death panels are already here, folks), the gambling syndicate(we can’t believe sports gambling is legal everywhere now), the sports syndicate(the biggest grift...
If you go, please follow some simple rules: Don’t throw hard objects, squash the tomato before throwing it, stay a safe distance away from tomato trucks, and stop when the starter pistol indicates that the hour of mayhem has ended. In other words, have fun, but don’t hurt anybody an...
His first meeting with the board for the olympics was apparently dramatic. He bought some pizzas and placed them on the conference table and invited the organizing committee to enjoy their last free lunch. We could use that now in Washington. Comment by Bill in Carolina 2009-10-08 06:35:5...
Don't let the stray cows, shady policía, narrow lanes, semi trucks and the odd bandito scare you off — the Trans Peninsula highway will take you to some of the most remote and beautiful places in the world. Places to stop: Guerrero Negro is a good midpoint to stay for the night ...