The meaning of BUCKET TRUCK is a truck equipped with an extendable, hydraulic boom carrying a large bucket for raising workers to elevated, inaccessible areas. How to use bucket truck in a sentence.
Don’t Miss The bar’s “mystery pour,” a selection picked by the team. It could be one of the La Luz selections, Iberian bottles from owner John House’s import company, or a decades-old port from the back of the House family’s cellar. Or, it could be a fun little glass of ...
Because our hotel was located in a National Park (which was also closed), the only people that could come near our hotel were guests that were staying there or people who had made reservations to enjoy the facilities. As we all know, we are living in a world that is changing by the d...
The Plan—to head out with the truck and trailer with an overnight stop at the Little Orleans Lodge, au gratis, from the owner Steve. In the morning we would load Jack’s horse and head out to Davis, WV where Jack and his pack horse were staying overnight. The trip would take a ...
The cash-for-clunkers deal may be gone, but the IRS is offering another break to those purchasing a new car, light truck, motor home or motorcycle. So we’re now subsidizing all but the excruciatingly wealthy to buy cars? What portion of the population is excluded from this subsidy, the...