= null) { Collections.sort(bucket[i]); temp.addAll(bucket[i]); } } // 将temp中的数据写入原数组 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = temp.get(i); } } /** * Description: 映射函数,将值转换为应存放到的桶数组的索引 * * @param value * @param maxValue * @...
import java.util.Random; import java.util.List; public class BucketSort { int bucketSize = 10 int arraySize = 1000; public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub BucketSort bs = new BucketSort(); int[] array = bs.getArray(); bs.bucketSort(array); }...
Bucket Sort Code in Python, Java, and C/C++ Python Java C C++ # Bucket Sort in Python def bucketSort(array): bucket = [] # Create empty buckets for i in range(len(array)): bucket.append([]) # Insert elements into their respective buckets for j in array: index_b = int(10 * j...
Collections.sort(bucket);:对每个桶中的元素进行排序。 array[index++] = num;:将排序后的元素按顺序合并到原数组中。 四、类图示例 Bucketsort+int[] array-List[] buckets+void sort()-void distributeElements()-void sortBuckets()-void mergeBuckets() 通过以上步骤和代码示例,你可以成功实现基于Java的Buck...
View Code 桶排序C++实现 实现代码(BucketSort.cpp) View Code 桶排序Java实现 实现代码(BucketSort.java) View Code 上面3种实现的原理和输出结果都是一样的。下面是它们的输出结果: before sort:8 2 3 4 3 6 6 3 9 after sort:2 3 3 3 4 6 6 8 9...
[] newArray = bucketSort(Array,99);14printArray(newArray);15}1617public static int[] bucketSort(int[] array,int maxNumber) {18int[] newArray = new int[maxNumber + 1];1920for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++) {21newArray[array[i]] = array[i];2223}2425return newArray;26}2728/...
bucketSort在Java中如何用 java brotli Builder模式既构建者模式,可以一步一步地创建一个复杂的对象。记住是复杂的对象,简单的在使用构建者就冗余了。很多的开源项目中也都用到了Builder模式,比如Rtrofit , Glide ,Picasso RxJava 等等,安卓系统中用到的也很多,最典型的就是我的的AertDialog。他们的很大的一个...
While this algorithm isn’t language-specific, we’ll be implementing the sort in Java. Let’s go through the above list step by step and write the code to sort a list of integers. 3.1. Bucket Setup First, we need to determine a hashing algorithm to decide which of our elements gets...
Sort:Most stars Simple and powerful toolkit for BoltDB databasestormtoolkitboltdbbucketquery-engineindexes UpdatedJan 7, 2024 Go timshannon/bolthold Star656 BoltHold is an embeddable NoSQL store for Go types built on BoltDB gogolangnosqlboltdbbucketquery-criteria ...
// Driver code public static void main(String args[]) { float arr[] = { (float)0.897, (float)0.565, (float)0.656, (float)0.1234, (float)0.665, (float)0.3434 }; int n = arr.length; bucketSort(arr, n); System.out.println("Sorted array is "); for (float el : arr) {...