bucket-example/*" ] }, { "Sid": "ForOnlyWrite", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "arn:aws:iam:::user/72bbxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-f2f899a5xxxx" ] }, "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-example", "arn:aws:s3:...
Before using this S3 on Outposts policy, replace the192.0.2.0/24IP address range in this example with an appropriate value for your use case. Otherwise, you'll lose the ability to access your bucket. {"Version":"2012-10-17","Id":"S3OutpostsPolicyId1","Statement": [{"Sid":"IPAllow...
Also, the example policy requires that any requests for these operations must include the public-read canned access control list (ACL). For more information, see Policy actions for Amazon S3 and Policy condition keys for Amazon S3. Warning The public-read canned ACL allows anyone in the world...
"Id": "S3PolicyId1", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "statement1", "Effect": "Deny", "Principal": "*", "Action":["s3:*"] , "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/*", "Condition" : { "NotIpAddress" : { "aws:SourceIp": "" } } } ] } ` 目前存储桶策略...
"Id":"S3PolicyId1", "Statement": [ { "Sid":"statement1", "Effect":"Deny", "Principal":"*", "Action":["s3:*"] , "Resource":"arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/*", "Condition": { "NotIpAddress": { "aws:SourceIp":"" ...
下面是一个 S3 存储桶策略的示例: { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Id":"ExamplePolicy01", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"ExampleStatement01", "Effect":"Allow", "Principal":{ "AWS":"arn:aws-cn:iam::Account-ID:user/Dave" }, "Action":[ ...
计划将静态文件和生成的固化文件保存在bucket上,故需要将bucket的policy设置为匿名访问,然后前端用nginx做代理实现高可用。 命令: s3cmd setpolicy examplepol s3://First-bucket # 设置桶策略 s3cmd delpolicy s3://First-bucket # 删除桶策略 s3cmd info s3://First-bucket # 查看桶策略 ...
You can refer to the following policy settings to set a blacklist for access. "Statement":[{"Sid":"1","Effect":"Deny","Principal":{"CanonicalUser":["*"]},"Action":["s3: *"],"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::bucket/*"],"Condition":{"StringEquals":{"aws:Referer":["www.example01....
"arn:aws:s3:::happybucket/*" ] }] } $ s3cmd setpolicy examplepol s3://happybucket $ s3cmd delpolicy s3://happybucket Limitations In Quincy, only the following actions are supported: Note This list of S3 actions is accurate only for the Quincy release of Ceph. If you are using ...
The object service supports S3 resources in ARN format: arn:aws:s3:::bucketname (operations on buckets) arn:aws:s3:::bucketname/path/objectname (operations on objects) The following example policy grants all operation permissions (including bucket and object operations) of examplebucket to user1...