清单是写在纸上的,也许是购物清单,或者是购物清单,或者是你要做的功课清单。 What's a "bucket list"? "bucket list"是什么呢? "Bucket list" basically just means what your dreams are in your life. "Bucket list" 就是指你生活中的梦想。 What do you wan...
Yourbucket listconsists of all the things you would really like to do or see in your life. 你的遗愿清单包括所有你在生活中真正想做或看到的事情。 例句 He made a quick visit to the Taj Mahal just to cross it off hisbucket list. 他匆匆参观了泰姬...
bucket list 若翻译成“桶清单”肯定是不合理的,因为它没有任何的意义,就像经常强调的那样,若一个短语字面意思很奇怪或是不合常理,那么就考虑它是一个习语,bucket list 就是一个习语,可以意为“人生目标清单,遗愿”,寓意:a list of achievements or experiences someone wants to have during their lifet...
Life is for living’, according to the well-used expression: What we choose to do is up to us. That may not be completely true, but there is no harm in dreaming about what we’d like to achieve in our life. Many of us write a list of things we’d like to do before we die ...
临终的救赎——遗愿清单 《The Bucket List》主演:爱德华·科尔 Edward Cole (杰克·尼科尔森Jack Nicholson饰)卡特·钱伯斯 Carter Chambers (摩根·弗里曼Morgan Freeman饰)以主角的死亡——而且是2个主角的相继死亡为结尾的电影,本该是一部悲剧,但《遗愿清单》却以同样的方式,取得了相反的效果,让观众感受的是一种...
Having a bucket list isn’t for everyone — it depends on you and how you find fulfillment. But it helps motivate you in youreveryday life. It can’t hurt to dream big, so here are some things to consider if you’re going to write one. ...
‘Life is for living’, according to the well-used expression: What we choose to do is up to us. That may not be completely true, but there is no harm in dreaming about what we’d like to achieve in our life. Many of us write a list of things we’d like to do before we die...
3. Watch the night sky in the Atacama Desert Chart Ⅱ Making a bucket list is necessary for everyone. You may not have a clear idea of what you want. Making a bucket list can help you know what's really important to you. It helps you decide what you really want from life and motiv...
Check out the top bucket list destinations of 2019 and add them to your travel bucket list to discover some amazing places!
in your life. You once said you're not everyone. Well, that's true. You're certainly not everyone. But, everyone is everyone. My parents always said, 'Our lives are streams, flowing into the same river, towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls.' Find the joy in ...