参考文献: [1] Melo V , Melo A , Santos W , et al. Open-Loop Single-Phase Space State Model and Equivalent Circuit of a Non-Conventional Three-Phase Inverter[J]. Electronics, 2020, 9(5):744.编辑于 2022-01-08 23:17 逆变器 开关电源 储能 ...
In accordance with some embodiments, a buck-boost circuit is contemplated which is bi-directional. That is, the buck-boost circuit be configured to produce a load voltage for a load responsive to a source voltage from a voltage source, and the buck-boost circuit may also be configured to pr...
This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the circuit. The circuit has six operating modes when the energy storage inductorLdccurrent is interrupted. The operating modes Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅴ are positive half-cycles, and Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and Ⅵ are negative half-cycles. Due to the special structure of...
Buck-boost circuitPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a step-up/down circuit that compactly and inexpensively has a simple configuration.陳登
circuit is based on 0.5 μm process for layout design and simulation verification. The results show that the bandwidth and phase margin of the error amplifier meet the requirements. The voltage regulation of the system is 0.42%, the stability time is 300 μs, the load regulation is 0.17%, ...
Keywords:Multisim,Buck-Boostcircuit,ripplevoltage,computersimulation 1.引言 电力电子技术的发展才经历半个世纪,其应用已遍及电力系统的方方面面,作为一门 理论和实践紧密结合的学科,只停留在理论上的研究显然是不够的,然而电力电子器件种类 繁杂,电路多种多样,仅仅依靠硬件实验显然难以满足学生实践的需求。由于硬件实验...
当输入电压是变动的,有时比输出电压高、有时却比较低时(例如放电中的电池),升/降压转换器 (Buck-boost) 是最佳的电源解决方案。 升/降压转换器 (Buck-boost) 内部的四组 MOSFET 开关依据输入电压和输出电压间的差异,自动切换为降压模式 (Buck mode) 或升压模式 (Boost mode)。这项特性使得 Buck-boost 非常...
5、y and practice.Keywords: Multisim,Buck-Boost circuit,ripple voltage,computer simulation1.引言 电力电子技术的发展才经历半个世纪,其应用已遍及电力系统的方方面面,作为一门理论和实践紧密结合的学科,只停留在理论上的研究显然是不够的,然而电力电子器件种类繁杂,电路多种多样,仅仅依靠硬件实验显然难以满足学生实...
7、nerator+5VCON1VCCDriverDriving logic12345U5PIC PROGRAM PADS+5V CLK DATA GND_PMain circuit C180.1uFGND_PGND_PC391uF/10VC401uF/10VGND_P Buck cell multiplexerBoost cell multiplexerMode Buck Buck _Boost Boost CON1CON2CON3100001010R523mRCS1U14OPA365R5451.1KR691kR551KR5651.1K C411uF/10VC42100...
关键词:Buck-Boost电路;变换器;DSP;LM5715 中图分类号:TP23文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-7109(2020)03-0014-06 Design of a New High Efficiency Four Switch Buck-Boost Circuit CHEN-ZHANG Jingxuan,WANG Feng,YAO Xiaolei (School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Ningbo University of Technology,...