Sophie Turner’s dire wolf Turner made her Game of Thrones debut as flame-haired Winterfell princess Sansa Stark aged 14. While filming the fantasy saga’s first season, she took a shine to Zunni, the Mahlek Northern Inuit dog who portrayed Lady, Sansa’s pet dire wolf. When Lady was k...
Buck goes through an amazing physical transformation in The Call of the Wild that ends up being a great way to analyze his character arc in the broader sense. Buck's no squirt to begin with; part of the reason he’s stolen from his ranch is that he’s a physically impressive dog. He...
18. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) (often foll by: in) to accustom (a horse) to the bridle and saddle, to being ridden, etc 19. (often foll by: of) to cause (a person) to give up (a habit): this cure will break you of smoking. 20. (tr) to weaken the impact or for...
Things however are looking brighter on the horizon as there has been a big breakthrough by an organization in Belgium (known as APOPO) who have been successfully training the African giant pouched rats to look for landmines. The small size and lightweight bodies of the rats mean that they ...
Record heat in 2006 resulted in the state's highest temperature in Fort Pierre, a city in Stanley County. The heat wave during July 2006 was so intense in South Dakota, Kansas, and Nebraska that it ended updisrupting transportation linksand straining electric power grids. ...