The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. (Antilope cervicapra), an artiodactyl mammalian subfamily of true antelopes (Antilopinae). A graceful animal; body length, 120-130 cm; tail length, approximately 15 cm; height at wi...
blackbuck (redirected fromBlack Buck Antelope) Thesaurus black·buck (blăk′bŭk′) n. Anantelope(Antilopecervicapra)ofIndiathatinhabitsopengrasslandsandinthemalehaslongspiralhornsandablackorbrowncoatwithwhiteunderparts. AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughton...
1.To throw or toss by bucking:buck off a rider; bucked the packsaddle off its back. 2.To oppose directly and stubbornly; go against:"Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the country, is bucking the trend"(American Demographics). ...
“How the New York Times became the Gotham Gazette for a day”atFast Company.Including “But if you pass through Grand Central Station today, or Little Italy, or Times Square, you’ll see old-school newspaper hawkers schlepping copies of the Gotham Gazette” [also, according to the ComicBoo...
Head for the casinos of Aurora, or better-yet to Interamnia —that's where the real wildlife is!There's fortunes aplenty to be made out here, what with the shipping trade on Hygeia (that's where they make the bottles, you know?) and here on Juno, and the mining on Davida. I ...
bucknSouth Africa(deer or antelope)SCSimplified Chinese雄鹿xióng lù SCSimplified Chinese公羚羊 A herd of buck was grazing near the river. buckvi(vehicle: move jerkily)(车辆)SCSimplified Chinese颠簸地前进 My car is bucking all over the place; something's up with the transmission. ...
Several decades ago the Western (or as the Variety “trade paper’ called them “Oaters”) was a staple at the local “Bijou”, just like comedies, musicals, romances, and horror flicks. And TV “rode alongside’ with the genre encompassing over half of network primetime fare. Oh, but ...
etc. Hence you would need to take many samples throughout the watercourse to attempt to assess the levels of contaminants. The other problem is knowing what contaminants to test for. When I did air sampling I usually knew or had a pretty good idea of the pollutants I wanted to assess and...
What is the English language plot outline for Tennessee Buck (1988)? Répondre Liste IMDb's 2025 TV Guide See the guide Récemment consultés Activez les cookies du navigateur pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité.En savoir plus Télécharger l'application IMDb ...