The parameters setting, theoretical analysis, control modes and simulation results of the buck converter are provided on the education platform. The education platform is easy to use and is in accordance with the established standards, mouse operations, icon menus, etc. By extending the designed ...
关键词:直流降压变换器;建模;仿真; TheSimulationStudyofBuckDC/DCConverterBasedonMATLAB WangXiuqinRongJunDuanDanHeCaiyunLiTing (DepartmentofInformationandCommunicationEngineering,Yueyang,Hunan) Abstract:ThepaperdescribestheworkprincipleofDCbuckconvertercircuit,andstudiesthemodeling methodforitinMATLAB/Simulink.Inaddition...
Keyword:Buckconverter;modeling and simulation;doubleclosed-loop control; MATLAB 课题发展现状1 本文研究内容及结构3 第二章Buck变换器基本原理4 Buck变换器工作原理4 Buck变换器工作模态分析4 2.3Buck变换器外特性7 第三章Buck变换器主电路设计9 占空比D9 第四章Buck变换器双闭环控制13 13 电流内环设计13 电压外...
To view summary results during or after the simulation, open the Circuit Scope block from the model window or, at the MATLAB command prompt, enter open_system('PushPullBuckCCM/Scopes/Circuit Scope');. To view the control and error data during or after the simulation, open the PI Controller...
This paper studies the DC/DC converter, describes the working principle of the BUCK circuit, and the circuit parameters of the components are designed. Using MATLAB software, Simulink toolbox, build open and closed loop BUCK circuit simulation model, simulation of the open loop and PID loop ...
Simulation type:Discrete Sample time:1e-6 PWM脉冲模块在SimulinkSources选择“Pulse Generator”模块,用来模拟PWM控制电路和驱动电路,该模块通过参数的设置,可以实现任意周期,任意宽度,任意幅值的脉冲信号,模块如图5.14所示。参数设置如图5.15所示。 图5.14 脉冲产生模块 图5.15 脉冲产生模块参数设置仿真电路设计在Simulink...
仿真的具体实现方式为:利用MATLAB/Simulink中的电气模块搭建仿真模型。搭建电气电路的时候,利用模块化方法,将Buck电路封装为“DC-DC Buck Converter”子模块,PID补偿环节封装为“Compensated”子模块,使搭建的模型条理清晰,如图8所示。 图8中“Compensated”子系统的Simulink PID切换补偿仿真见图9,“In1”输入的为输出电...
IBC. (Ref:IEEE Paper -Interleaved Buck Converter Having Low Switching Losses and Improved Step-Down Conversion Ratio) Cite As Kannabhiran.A (2024). Interleaved Buck Converter (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. ...
可以执行单个瞬态模拟,其中从模型初始化将40µH的电感值分配给L1。或者,可以使用模拟脚本对L1执行参数扫描在“Simulation + Simulation Scripts”下定义。每个模拟的结果都显示为范围中的新跟踪。每个迹线都标有相应的电感值。该脚本还分析模拟结果,并将峰值电流值打印到MATLAB或Octave控制台中。
⁃al calculus theory and improved Oustaloup fractional calculus filter approximation algorithm,the fractional⁃order mathematical simulation model and the corresponding circuit simulation model of Buck converter controlled by voltage and worked in continu⁃ous current mode were established in MATLAB/...