but many people will still use the term "tapioca tea" to generally include all the other variati...
国际通用的叫法是bubble tea bubble ['bʌb(ə)l] n. 气泡,泡沫 (因为奶茶顶部有一层绵密的“泡泡”) 在华人比较多的地方 比如美国西海岸的旧金山地区 则直接使用了波霸的音译boba tea 奶茶比较流行的几个名字 boba tea 波霸茶 bubble tea 泡泡茶 foam milk tea 泡沫奶茶 pearl tea 珍珠奶茶 tapioca tea...
We brew Thai tea from teabags for Thai bubble tea.(We use these Thai tea bags.) For a glass of Thai tea, I let the teabag sit in boiled water until it cools. (You want the tea to be strong, since it will get watered down with the ice.) When I make my Thai boba tea, I ...
还有一种珍珠奶茶的英文说法叫做tapioca (ball) tea,因为珍珠奶茶里面的珍珠,其实就是tapioca做的,tapioca 的中文意思叫做树薯,是制作珍珠的原物料。所以珍珠奶茶又可以叫做tapioca (ball) tea。 例: My favorite drink is tapioca (ball) tea. 我最爱的饮料是珍珠奶茶。 boba tea, boba tea 中文, boba tea 意...
Bubble Tea 珍珠奶茶tapioca pearl 木薯珍珠starch 淀粉 珍珠奶茶在不同地区的说法会不一样,在美国,加州地区一般是Boba,纽约、温哥华一般是Bubble Tea 《珍珠奶茶从何而来》翻译中英字幕原稿:Boba珍珠奶茶 it’s taken the world by storm它在全世界掀起了一场风暴 two men on a mission to make better boba ...
Bubble tea shops across the US arein the midst ofa major supply shortage, including one of the drink's most important ingredients — boba, or pearls.美国各地的珍珠奶茶店都处于严重的供应短缺中,包括其最重要的原料“珍珠” 。 ▲Photo/IC photo ...
这时候我们就可以用bubble tea来表述,经常被叫做"Boba"奶茶,其实它的英文发音就是中文波霸奶茶音译过来哒。 珍珠软软的有嚼劲,说着说着必大叔都想叫一杯来喝了~ 不过现在广义上的中式奶茶类产品,无论有没有加珍珠,都是被老外统一称为bubble tea的,奶茶店则叫做bubble tea cafe。
Bubble tea, Boba, bubble milk tea, bubble pearl tea, tapioca ball tea, boba nai cha, whatever you call it, there’s a lot love about this famous Taiwanese drink!
英国人喜欢用tea with milk来表达“奶茶”。 第二种说法: bubble tea bubble表示“气泡”,而奶茶就是茶奶混合在一起,用搅拌机打在一起的时候就会产生泡泡了。 第三种说法: boba tea another term for bubble tea. boba的音译就是“波霸”,而这个boba其实就是奶茶中的大颗珍珠(chewy balls)。
Bubble tea definition: a frothy East Asian beverage consisting of sweetened tea with milk or flavorings, usually served over black pellets, or pearls, of tapioca.. See examples of BUBBLE TEA used in a sentence.