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Bubble Tea 珍珠奶茶tapioca pearl 木薯珍珠starch 淀粉 珍珠奶茶在不同地区的说法会不一样,在美国,加州地区一般是Boba,纽约、温哥华一般是Bubble Tea 《珍珠奶茶从何而来》翻译中英字幕原稿:Boba珍珠奶茶 it’s taken the world by storm它在全世界掀起了一场风暴 two men on a mission to make better boba ...
国际通用的叫法是bubble tea bubble ['bʌb(ə)l] n. 气泡,泡沫 (因为奶茶顶部有一层绵密的“泡泡”) 在华人比较多的地方 比如美国西海岸的旧金山地区 则直接使用了波霸的音译boba tea 奶茶比较流行的几个名字 boba tea 波霸茶 bubble tea 泡泡...
bubble意思是气泡,泡沫;指奶茶顶部那层绵密的气泡 3.foam milk tea泡沫奶茶 milk foam指的是最上面那层奶盖 4.pearl tea珍珠奶茶 pearl指奶茶里的珍珠 5.tapioca tea珍珠奶茶 珍珠茶珍珠的原料是木薯粉 tapioca 当你点单是时,该怎么用英语表达呢? I want a cup of bubble tea. 我想要点一杯奶茶。 除去珍珠...
这条新闻中的“bubble tea”表示“珍珠奶茶”,另外“the chewy tapioca balls/pearls”指的就是这种饮品中有嚼劲的、用木薯粉制作的“珍珠”。 #自娱笔记# 语料积累。
pearl tea 珍珠奶茶 tapioca tea 珍珠奶茶 (珍珠茶珍珠的原料是木薯粉 tapioca) 例句: Boba tea is a variety of tea containing balls of pearl tapioca, originating in Taiwan in the 1980s. 波霸奶茶是含有木薯球的茶类,起源于20世纪80年代的台湾。
Tapioca Tap: Bubble Tea Tycoon游戏简介 Idle Tea is the newest clicker idle game for Android!You have founded a bubbletea café and your goal is to build it.Buy upgrades - discover and make all 25 bubbletea upgrades!16 fruit-themed achievements to unlock through gameplay. Unlock different flav...
tea is not necessarily always tapioca, but many people will still use the term "tapioca tea" ...
还有一种珍珠奶茶的英文说法叫做tapioca (ball) tea,因为珍珠奶茶里面的珍珠,其实就是tapioca做的,tapioca 的中文意思叫做树薯,是制作珍珠的原物料。所以珍珠奶茶又可以叫做tapioca (ball) tea。 例: My favorite drink is tapioca (ball) tea. 我最爱的饮料是珍珠奶茶。 boba tea, boba tea 中文, boba tea 意...
The meaning of BUBBLE TEA is a sweet drink of Taiwanese origin that in its basic form consists of tea mixed typically with milk or fruit syrup and small balls of tapioca. How to use bubble tea in a sentence.