Shulman, Bubble growth rates at high Jakob numbers, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 9 (1966) 1377-1390.Bubble growth rates at high Jakob numbers. Robert Cole,Herman L. Shulman. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer . 1966Cole, R., & Shulman, H. L. (1972). Bubble growth rates ...
Bubble growth rates were investigated experimentally to determine the effect of high Jakob number conditions. Comparison of the experimental data with existing theory for Jakob numbers ranging from 24 through 792 indicates that the shape of the bubble growth curve over the entire range investigated is...
Generally, the work has been divided into the following two main regions : growth rates controlled by inertia forces, applicable in the range of a relatively low pressure and high Jakob numbers, e.g. Rayleigh [I], and growth rates for heat diffusion controlled growth, e.g. Plesset and ...
However, as calculations show, for certain operating parameters of the process (in particular, for high Jacob numbers), this stage is unattainable during the real bubble growth processes. Thus, a relatively simple semi-analytical solution to the problem of the vapor bubble growth in an initially ...
n reached 0.1 at 30 bar for water. Finally, it was concluded that the homogeneous models are valid for nucleate boiling provided that the growth constant K and the growth exponent n are allowed to vary with time and the exponent m of Jakob number should be 0.6. Stewart and Cole [30] ...
Bubble growth rates were investigated experimentally to determine the effect of high Jakob number conditions. Comparison of the experimental data with existing theory for Jakob numbers ranging from 24 through 792 indicates that the shape of the bubble growth curve over the entire range investigated is...
1972. Bubble growth rates during nucleate boiling at high jakob numbers. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 15, pp. 655-663Stewart,J. K.,Cole,R.Bubble growth rates during nucleate boiling at high Jakob numbers. Int. J. Heat Mass Trans . 1972...
The effects of translation are found to be significant when the translational velocity is sufficiently high at moderate Jakob numbers, but for high Jakob numbers radial convection predominates and translation has little effect on the growth rates. The analysis predicts results in good agreement with ...
When discussing the state of bubble dynamics research, the authors of this work note that there are two types of equation system describing growth rates (for inertial and thermal regimes). However, given the specified thermophysical parameters and initial conditions, it is impossible to predict a ...