英语缩写BTZ通常代表"Below The Zone",中文释义为“下方地带”。这个缩写词在英语中的应用广泛,其拼音为“xià fāng dì dài”,并在特定领域内具有12,438的流行度。它主要被归类于Governmental缩写词,特别是在Military领域得到运用。BTZ的中文解释涉及到其在英语环境中的重要作用,比如在模拟研究中,...
BTZ Below the Zone (promotions) BTZ Below the Treatment Zone BTZ Baltikum Tourismus Zentrale (German: Baltic Tourism Center; Berlin, Germany) BTZ Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (black hole) BTZ Begin Transit Zone (road rally term) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest...
BTZBelow the Zone (promotions) BTZBaltikum Tourismus Zentrale (German: Baltic Tourism Center; Berlin, Germany) BTZBegin Transit Zone (road rally term) Note: We have 3 other definitions forBTZin our Acronym Attic new search suggest new definition...
Concentrations decrease in late summer, often falling below 10 mg. Bottom resuspension may also increase in the fall, related to plankton blooms or storm mixing of the water column.Earlier studies in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts have shown that POC, PON, and chlorophyll are frequently higher in ...