This is called the Manual J calculation. It takes into account all of these factors, as well as how many people live in the home. The Manual J calculation can give a very accurate size for furnaces and BTUs, so if you think your current furnace may be the wrong size, consider ...
For instance, in the context of fuel efficiency, the BTU calculation might involve determining the energy content of a given fuel sample. This is typically done through calorimetric testing, which measures the heat released when the fuel is burned. The result is expressed in BTUs per unit of ...
The reason for the direct equivalent calculation is that the efficiency of the equipment isn’t factored when evaluating direct resistance heat appliances. Here is the BTU to kW chart for some key BTU: Btu Per Hour Kilowatts 1 BTU/h 0.00029 kW 5,000 BTU/h 1.47 kW 10,000 BTU/h 2.9...
A ton is a term that describes how much heat the AC unit can remove from a home in one hour. Your load calculation will determine what air conditioner tonnage you require, which can range from 1.5 tons to 5 tons. About Logan Services A/C, Heat & Plumbing If you are ready for HVAC...
BTU_Calculator Date:2000-12-14 CalculateBurnerHeatoutputinBTUs Submittedby:ThomasVincent NumbersinRedrequiredatainput,NumbersinBluearetheresultofacalculationEnterthePropaneGasorificedia.ininchesEnterthepropanepressureinpsi0.067inches5psi Orificedischargecoefficient 0.75Coefficient Note:* *Coefficientofdischarge...
approximately 90 hours a month. Multiply the hours per month by the dollars per hour from your earlier calculation to get the cost to run your air conditioner each month. For an air conditioner cost of $0.09324 per hour running at 90 hours a month, the total cost equals $8.39 per month...
All calculations above and in the conversion tables are approximate only, and should not be used for detailed engineering calculation that may require a high degree of precision. Please check all values against more established calculators and published books. None of the values above are guaranteed...
Have a load calculation done. It will tell you theHeat Outputrequired to heat your home. Example:Load Calculation determines that 95,000 BTU/h are required to heat your home. Let’s use common furnace sizes. They are usually found in increments of 5K or 10K BTU/h. ...
power, so this calculation is done for you (or almost done). Take the POWER INPUT in WATTS and figure BTUs.Multiply WATTS OF POWER INPUT times 3.41 to get BTU per hour. BIBLIOGRAPHY:ELECTRONICS VEST POCKET REFERENCE BOOK by Harry Thomas, 1969, Prentice-HallInc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,...
In my opinion SEER ratings apply to specific pieces of equipment. You don't add, average or mulitply the ratings of multiple pieces of equipment. Such a calculation, to be valid, would be a bit more complex, involving equipment usage. ...