要確定哪種尺寸的裝置最適合您的冷卻需求,您可以使用此計算機估算冷卻房間所需的BTU數量。 引用此內容、頁面或工具為: "空調BTU計算機" 於https://miniwebtool.com/zh-tw/air-conditioner-btu-calculator/,來自 miniwebtool,https://miniwebtool.com/ 其他相關工具: 溫度轉換器 通用工具:...
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Air Conditioner BTU Calculator Enter area of room to be cooled(square feet): Is the room heavily shaded?YesNo Is the room very sunny?YesNo Is this air conditioner used in a kitchen?YesNo Result: Capacity Needed(BTUs per hour) is
Planning to buy an air conditioner for your room? This air conditioner room size calculator will help you choose the right air conditioner size, so you will be effectively and efficiently cooling your room.
BTU Calculator - Air ConditionerYou Might Also Like BTU Calculator - Data Centers Utilities Calculadora de BTU Utilities Embraco ToolBox Utilities Cuby Smart Utilities EVANS SMART Utilities Danfoss Troubleshooter Utilities Ref Tools Utilities Mobile Technician ...
Convert BTU To kW (Calculator) The key part when buying an air conditioner is to know how powerful it is. If you’re used to kW and get a BTU number, you don’t really know what the capacity is, and visa versa. Here is the quick BTU/h to kW converter to help you choose the ...
Use our BTU Calculator Web App designed by Inventor, and find out which air condition is better for your space.
In HVAC, heating and cooling capacity is sometimes expressed in kilowatts (kW). To properly understand how powerful an air conditioner or a furnace is, we need toconvert kW to BTU(BTU per hour, to be precise). To simply convert kW to BTU, you can use this handy calculator: ...
AirPro - BTU Calculator for air conditioners, heat pumps and furnaces. Optimize HVAC Systems, manage heating, cooling, domestic hot water needs, and reduce costs. Welcome to AirPro, a user-friendly tool for everyone that wants to install an air conditioner, heat pump or any type of furnace...
© Omni Calculator Nombre de personnes dans la pièce Taille de la pièce Longueur Largeur Revêtement de sol Hauteur sous plafond Résultats Achetez un climatiseur ayant une capacité de refroidissement d'au moins : Taille recommandée pour le climatiseur Cela garantira un espace corre...