IU performs Love Wins All As IU kicked off her hit track, a collaboration with V from earlier this year, the Singularity singer got up from his seat to capture the moment, cheering her on. In the music video, V played the charac...
Madhuri's astrology-obsessed mom just predicted the future...where Madhuri marries her first-ever boyfriend. Determined to be in charge of her life, Madhuri schemes a fake relationship with her childhood bestie Arjun who's (secretly) crushing on her. Madhuri fights for a future of her own...
“Love? What the heck is love. It’s all fake love” – Yoongi, Fake Love “What is love? If there’s an answer, I wanna know right now” – Yoongi, Lights#LightsMVOutNow#Lights@BTS_twtpic.twitter.com/IFDhGY1Fzo — jungoo (@loveyanochu)July 2, 2019 i love that they’ve ackn...
V added, “I hope fans will draw a lot of energy from this new song." Given its record-breaking debut, that seems safe to assume. But these guys have always been able to rely on their fans, better known as the BTS Army, to get excited about everything they do — whether it’s r...
Zion’s Wt, 5/01/1903, pg 3184, reprintWe seriously question all the claims of Astrology; yet the following-from whatever source the suggestions come, even though of the Adversary himself-seem remarkably true to our expectations based upon the Word of the Lord, For this reason alone we pre...
Kylie’s Video Tribute For Her Son Wolf Has So Many Special Kardashians Moments So much love for her baby boy. byJoseph LongoandMichele Mendez March 22, 2022 Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images
She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or...