Oxygen is under used in primary care.Many patients with acute asthma are hypoxaemic, and all clinicians providing care for people with acute asthma should have access to an oximeter, and ideally oxygen. Oxygen should be given to maintain saturation between 94% and 98%.Pinnock, H...
动脉化的耳垂气体可以用作ABG的替代物吗? 氧气应以固定浓度处方还是达到目标饱和度? 接受补充氧气的患者的目标氧饱和度范围应该是多少? 大多数患者的氧饱和度目标范围 特定患者群体的氧气需求量 血气测量在指导氧疗中的重要性 什么应该是医院环境中氧气输送系统的最初选择? 用于医院紧急氧疗的装置 推荐用于治疗重大医疗...
British Thoracic Society guideline forthe use of long-termmacrolides inadults with respiratorydisease 该指南涵盖了成人(>16岁)大环内酯的使用,其中治疗持续时间超过通常用于治疗急性感染的剂量,并且剂量低于通常用于治疗急性感染的剂量...
British Thoracic SocietyScottish Intercollegiate Guidelines NetworkBritish Guideline on the Management of AsthmaCase study: LauraAbout this case studyWhat is included in this case study?This case study consists of materials to print out ... C Hooper,WS Lim,J Paton,... - 《Part Notes for Partici...
6 It is obvious that a fundamental disagreement in classifying COPD severity exists among the four main guideline reports. For example, a patient with FEV1 of 55% predicted is characterised as mild by the ATS standards, moderate by the ERS and BTS standards and moderate, stage IIB, by the ...
British Thoracic Society Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, (2008) BTS/ SIGN British guideline on management of asthma. Thorax 63 (Suppl. 4), 1-121Levy ML, Thomas M, Small I, Pearce L...
Wiener-Ogilvie S, Pinnock H, Sheikh A, Huby G, Partridge M, Gillies J: Describing compliance with the British Guideline for the Management of Asthma (BTS-SIGN), in a rural health board. PCRJ 2007, 16 : 363-368.Wiener-Ogilvie S, Pinnock H, Sheikh A, Huby G, Partridge M, Gillies...
SUMMARYThis latest asthma guideline emphasises the importance of recognising the key features and clinical pattern that make asthma a likely diagnosis. This isachieved by thorough history-taking supported by appropriate diagnostic tests. It recommends that spirometry should be the first-choice test for ...
SIGN/BTS asthma management guideline: revisions for 2009doi:10.1002/psb.555John ReesBurhan KhanJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Practice organisational characteristics can impact on compliance with the BTS/SIGN asthma guideline: qualitative comparative case study in primary care. BMC Fam Pract. 2008; 9 :32. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-9-32. [ Cross Ref ]Wiener-Ogilvie S, Huby G, Pinnock H, Gillies J, Sheikh A. Prac...