【金泰亨】Christmas tree热百成绩,金泰亨顶端成绩的缔造者,不仅是记录的保持者,而且不断打破新成绩。 8193 5 25:04 BTS Behind The Scenes of Big Hit’s Group Photo Reaction Mashup 7674 3 19:44 BTS V TikTok Compilation Reaction. ANOTHER MEMBER STEALING MY GIRL 热门评论(0) 按热度 请先登录后发...
His favorite colors are black, pink and, purple. According to him, Jin and j-hope are the scaredy-cats of the group. Jimin once called him a gorilla because he's always angry. He is known to break everything. On November 13, 2017, he announced on Fancafe that he had officially chan...
the South Korean band BTS debuted their latest singleBlack Swanon CBS’sLate Late Show. Looking back on this moment of Jungian synchronicity, one might be tempted to ask, ‘How did they know?’
‘black swan’ (2020) back in 2015, bts were already revealing their alienation from pop stardom, with suga spitting: “ok, we’re dope from head to toe/over half of the day, we drown in work/even if our youth rots in the studio.”“dionysus” upped the anguish; and here, they ...
3. “Black Swan” – 2020 From the moment it begins, you know “Black Swan” is different from anything BTS have done before. The track, which was a lead single off the group’s 2020 LPMap of the Soul: 7, has two versions. The first, a haunting orchestral version with BTS’ a ca...
After opening with a mesmerizing dance performance on a stage set behind bars, special effects and an enormous LED screen soon drew the audience into action-packed performances of “Black Swan” and “FAKE LOVE.” New band versions of “Boy With Luv” and “Dynamite” presented a refreshing ...
"We just released 'Black Swan,' our first single for the upcoming album. We release our album in February," group member RM shared. "It's going to be harder, it's going to be whatever you're expecting it is -- it's going to be better and harder." ...
But with MOTS7's second release, "Black Swan," the group made it clear that it is their passion for making art that keeps them going. They said as much with the opening quote of the music video by the late dancer Martha Graham: “A dancer dies twice — once when they stop dancing,...
#BlackSwan是根据舞者Marth Graham的名言创建的。 当舞者停止跳舞时将面临首次死亡,这首歌曲隐含了BTS不再能够作为艺术家站上舞台的恐惧。 BTS通过Black Swan告诉听众,随着音乐的继续发展,如果音乐无法触及或使组合兴奋,它将面临首次死亡。 但是每次发生这样的时刻,我都会从内心深处听到我的另一种声音,我面对着我的黑...
I still liked a lot of their music, but some of it (ehem, Black Swan) had started to test my patience. I would go back to that in a heartbeat over this though. I get that they’ve been breaking records with these English releases, but that seems fueled by diehard ARMYs more ...