The case is presented of a young man who obtained complete remission following treatment with granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, a new treatment option.doi:10.1136/thorax.56.8.666aPHILIP KAYEIOMHAR OSULLIVANBMJ GroupThoraxKaye P, O'Sullivan I. BTS asthma guide. Thorax 2001;56(8):...
This is the Primary Care Respiratory Journal archive. The journal changed title in April 2014 to npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine.doi:10.1136/thorax.58.3.280StrubeG.ThoraxThoraxStrube G. Revision of BTS guidelines for treatment of asthma. Tho- rax 2003; 58: 280....
哮喘|BritishThoracicSociety|betterlunghealthforall.n.d.Available:s:// COPD|BritishThoracicSociety|betterlunghealthforall.n.d.Available:s:// BaltePP、ChavesPHM、CouperDJ、等人.成人非阻...
Outside of these factors, the specific increase in prescribing of high-dose combination therapy since Neville et al.11 may be the result of more aggressive treatment of asthma over time, patient non-adherence to prescribed treatment, or hesitancy to 'step-down' asthma therapy after achieving ...
The number of patients referred with a suspected diagnosis of COPD rose from 21% to 30% of the total referrals, whilst the number of referrals with a suspected diagnosis of asthma fell from 60% to 48%. However, the number of patients with abnormal lung function following a referral with ...
D1: For acutely breathless patients not at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure who have saturations below 85%, treatment should be started with a reservoir mask at 15 L/min in the first instance (seefigures 1–2(charts 1–2) andtable 2and sections 8.9 and 10).* The oxygen concentr...
asthmabts2011 系统标签: asthmabtsprobabilitspirometrdiagnosisapplies TheBritishThoracicSociet ScottishIntercollegiateG idelinesNetwork BritishG idelineonthe ManagementofAsthma QuickReferenceGuide May2008 revisedMay2011 TheCollegeof EmergencyMedicine BritishThoracicSociety ScottishIntercollegiateGuidelinesNetwork BritishG ...
ax 2023;78(suppl 6):3–19临床实践要点总结术语、流行病学和影响慢性咳嗽(CC)是常见的,主要影响中年女性。患 者的生活质量(QoL)显著受损。咳嗽与医疗费用增加相关。在英国,咳嗽诊断和治疗的最新进展尚未广泛应用于常规临床实践。cc的原因对常 见合并症如反流、鼻炎和哮喘的方案研究和治疗并不总是有效的。提倡采...
Although prescribing patterns meant that most patients remained within their treatment step throughout the study, we cannot be sure that this was because their disease was truly stable. The small proportion of patients stepping up/down and the lack of recorded asthma review suggest that patients ...
氧气应以固定浓度处方还是达到目标饱和度? 接受补充氧气的患者的目标氧饱和度范围应该是多少? 大多数患者的氧饱和度目标范围 特定患者群体的氧气需求量 血气测量在指导氧疗中的重要性 什么应该是医院环境中氧气输送系统的最初选择? 用于医院紧急氧疗的装置 推荐用于治疗重大医疗急症和重症的氧疗 心脏骤停和其他需要心肺...