The MEF have announced further details for the 6-year Mar-30 BTP Valore, for which books will open on Monday 26 February. The ISIN for the bond is IT0005583478. The bond features a 3+3 step-up coupon. The guaranteed minimum annual coupon rates announced are 3.25% in years 1-3 and 4....
经济和财政部宣布推出 BTP Valore,这是专门面向个人和类似储户(所谓的零售市场)的新政府债券系列,第一期将于 5 月 9 日星期一至 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日星期五发行(直到 13:XNUMX),除非提前关闭。 第一个 BTP Valore 的期限为 4 年,并为持有至到期的储户提供忠诚度奖金。 息票将...