iii. Now let us Set SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition as a target system using oAuth Client Key and Client Secret (reference Image 27):Within the IPS tenant, click on Target System -> Click on Add -> Select the Type as SAP Work Zone, Advanced Editio...
API SHANGHAI IN CHINA (APR.11-13,2018)--THE 80TH CHINA INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL RAW MATERIALS TOUR. 2018-04-15 yearly 1 Our senior executives participated in the course training of‘eight core skills for being a effective manager’which is organized by Jiangke. 2018-03-28 yearly 1 FIC...
STARTED URL: https://mytestappmultidb.hana.ondemand.com Access points: https://mytestappmultidb.hana.ondemand.com Runtime: Java Web, 1.76 (valid until 16-Jul-2016) Application processes: ID State Last Change 15a9cb6 STARTED 17-Apr-2015 15:06:35 Runtime hana-java-web 3. ...