brew install btop Windows 系统 Windows 用户可以通过 Scoop 安装: bash复制 scoop bucket add extras scoop update scoop install btop 或者直接从 btop4win 项目页面获取安装包。 三、使用方法 安装完成后,在终端输入 btop 命令即可启动该工具。启动后,用户可以通过鼠标或键盘操作来查看系统信息和管理进程。 常...
windows10: 其中windows直接利用scoop安装可能会报错找不到btop,此时需要在power shell中运行以下命令: scoopbucketaddextrasscoopupdatescoopinstallbtop 效果如图: centos ubuntu windows
f.跨平台支持:btop可以在多个操作系统上运行,包括Linux、Windows和macOS等。 4.使用btop监控系统性能 使用btop监控系统性能的步骤如下: 步骤一:安装和启动btop(见第二步和第三步)。 步骤二:观察界面和指标。btop会在终端中显示各种关键指标的实时数据,如CPU利用率、内存使用率、磁盘读写速度、网络传输速率等等...
如果是已安装图形化桌面的linux系统,例如Gnome桌面,可以从自带程序里找到 系统监视器 ,功能与windows系统的任务管理器相似Gnome桌面 系统监视器 7.2 FinalShell 在ssh终端FinalShell里,提供了linux系统实时状态的展示,可以方便的查看CPU、内存、磁盘、网络、进程等信息FinalShell...
Also Read Installing Htop on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide Glances – Manage your system resources on Linux Mission Center: The Ultimate Windows-Like Task Manager for Linux How to Set Up Homarr: A Beautiful Dashboard for Your Home Server
Windows support is not in the plans as of now, but if anyone else wants to take it on, I will try to help. 5 May 2021 This project is gonna take some time until it has complete feature parity with bpytop, since all system information gathering will have to be written from scratch wi...
Windows support is not in the plans as of now, but if anyone else wants to take it on, I will try to help. 5 May 2021 This project is gonna take some time until it has complete feature parity with bpytop, since all system information gathering will have to be written from scratch wi...
windows 任务管理器 1.2 目录 2.x==>介绍 top 命令 3.x==>btop 软件的安装和使用 4.x==>介绍 df 命令 5.x==>介绍 du 命令 6.x==>介绍 free 命令 7.x==>图形化界面的linux系统实时监控工具 2 top top 是linux系统自带的功能,无需单独安装 ...
Windows support is not in the plans as of now, but if anyone else wants to take it on, I will try to help. 5 May 2021 This project is gonna take some time until it has complete feature parity with bpytop, since all system information gathering will have to be written from scratch wi...
背景:作为命令行工具,btop 旨在提供一个高效、直观的方式来监控和管理系统资源,适用于 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 等多种操作系统。 2. GitHub 仓库信息 仓库地址:aristocratos/btop 主要文件:仓库中包含了 btop 的源代码、构建脚本、配置文件以及文档等。 3. btop 的功能和特性 实时监控:能够实时显示系统的 CPU...