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NOTICE AND MANNER OF REQUESTING ADVANCES: Except for advances made for Settlement purposes ("Settlement" means payment of any presentment or billing, or credit of any amount, as requested by Members United or other authorized payee relating to correspondent services or if authorized by CUSO, relatin...
中国平安财产保险股份有限公司 平安公众责任保险条款 总则 第一条 本保险合同由保险条款,投保单,保险单,保险凭证以及批单组成.凡涉及本 保险合同的约定,均应采用书面形式. 第二条 中华人民共和国境内的各类机关,企事业单位,个体经济组织以及其他组织, 均可作为本保险合同的被保险人. 保险责任 第三条 在保险期间内...