Steve Lurito, Senior Advisor, BTG Pactual Strategic Capital, Investment Committee member.Mr. Lurito has spent his career in US public and private equity. Mr. Lurito worked at Warburg Pincus Asset Management (WPAM) where he served in research and portfolio management positions, ultimately as ...
Some research also revealed that pre-operative serum CA125 was an independent factor to EOC prognosis [26]. But in our study, there is no statistical relationship between pre-operative CA125 and prognosis of EOCs. This may be due to many characteristics which could profoundly influence serum CA...
(BTG1) mRNA Shu-qin ZHANG1, #, Zhe YANG1, #, Xiao-li CAI2, #, Man ZHAO1, Ming-ming SUN1, Jiong LI1, Guo-xing FENG1, Jin-yan FENG1, Li-hong YE2, Jun-qi NIU3, *, Xiao-dong ZHANG1, * 1State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology, Department of Cancer Research, ...
eenzyme research,EMC microcollections,enzymeresearch,finescience,genesee scientific,golden west biologicals,Haematologic Technologies,Haematologic Technologies Inc,immunodx ,Immunostep,ImmunoVision ,innovagen,iris-biotech,jackson抗体,LSBIO,macrocyclics,medkoo biosciences,Percipio Biosciences ,PhosphoSolution,TLC标准品,...
This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 81672301, and the Basic Sciences and Advanced Technology Key Project of CQ CSTC, grant number cstc2017jcyjBX0069. Acknowledgments We thank all our lab members for their helpful and valuable discussions. ...
This research was funded by AGRIA AG, grant number No. 1/2021. The APC fee is provided by the French Embassy and the French Institute in Bulgaria. Institutional Review Board Statement Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement Not applicable. Data Availability Statement The B. thuringiensis serovar...