However, depending on the college or institution where one is enrolled, the period might vary sometimes. These days, there are also combination courses such as B.Tech & LLB. wherein the student studies across more than one discipline and has an opportunity to learn more at the same time. ...
Nestled within Bells University lies the renownedCollege of Food, Agricultural Science and Technology (COLFAST). This college has been instrumental in churning out agricultural experts who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to address pressing global challenges. ...
2. Faculty of Engineering & Technology - Departments of Architecture, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering, Food Technology & Biochemical engineering, Information Technology...
RadTech challenged college students to create a fun, interesting experiment that showcased UV-curable materials and would be suitable for high school classrooms. Participants submitted a lab manual, as well as video demonstrations, which can be viewed by visitingYouTube. First Place: Sierra Dell, P...