Pearson BTEC 商业与服务领域资格认证指南说明书 the real world
Btec Business | | |BTECNATIONAL Diploma inBusiness| | | |2012 - 2014 PremiumStrategic managementManagementOrganization 2580 Words 11 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More BTEC IN BUSINESS BTECINBUSINESSLevel 3 UNIT 2 –BusinessResources Assignment 2 Name: P4: Sources of Finance There are two main wa...
BTEC学历教育文凭分三个层次: 1)BTEC初级学历教育文凭(FirstDiplomas)(相当于我国的初等职业教育 学历) 2)BTEC中级学历教育证书及文凭(NationnalDiplomas)(相当于我国的中 等职业教育学历) 3)BTEC国家高等教育文凭(HigherNationalDiploma,HND) 2 该文凭是英国高等学术教育和职业教育相融合的高等教育证书,相当于 我国的...
BTEC Specialist qualifications provide much of the underpinning knowledge and understanding for the National Occupational Standards for the sector, where appropriate. They are supported by the relevant Standards Setting Body (SSB) or Sector Skills Council (SSC). A number of BTEC ...
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business(Finance) Unit Title Taxation Assignment Title Assignment Number 1 Assessor Submission Deadline Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes covered Assessment Criteria Covered 1 Explain the duties and responsibilities of the taxpractitioner and theUKtax environment ( Outcome 1...
The examiner is able to moderate student grades where necessary to bring centre assessment in line with tolerance to national standards. All examiners are trained on an annual basis. Foundation Art, Design and Media Diplomas 16 SECTION 3: OVERVIEW OF THE BENCHMARK AWARD – AQA GCE A LEVEL ...
【关键词】:BTECHND;课业设计;教学效果;人才培养 0引言 BTEC(Business&TechnologyEducationCouncil, 英国商业与技术委员会)是英国爱德思国家职业学历 与学术考试机构的品牌教育产品【1】。HNDfHigher NationalDiploma1为英国国家高等教育文凭,属于 BTEC高级系列中的第五级,即相当于我国高等教育 的大专层次。BTEC教育模式倡...