Pearson BTEC International Level 3 qualifications are career-focused courses which equip learners with the knowledge, understanding and employability skills they need for success.
With options events getting closer, we are here to support you in your conversations about BTEC. Our free online BTEC Options tool could help you deliver your best options evenings and open days ever this Autumn.Designed to showcase the specific BTEC courses you offer, this engaging online tool...
BTEC学习指南说明书 Welcome to BTEC We’re delighted to have you on board Your quick guide to getting started with BTEC in schools.For Entry Level to Level 3 courses.September 2020
BTEC Level 3 Nationals 音乐与音乐科技指南说明书 Teaching Music or Music Technology at Level 3?Choose BTEC Nationals
The BTEC Business Level 3 Extended Certificate is equivalent to one A-Level and carries the same level of UCAS (university entry points). It can be studied alongside A-Levels or as a stand-alone course. It is a six-month course.
Developing Self-Assessment Skills in the Context of Level 3 BTEC Business CoursesThe ability of students to assess their own work is a key feature of assessment for learning (AFL). Peer and self-assessment is described by Black and William (1998) as "far from being a luxury, [it] is in...
BTEC Nationals 教学指南(2020年5月15日更新)说明书 Teaching and learning support during Coronavirus (COVID-19)Illustration by Lucy Vigrass Construction Guidance for BTEC Nationals
BTEC Level 1、Entry Level WorkSkills和Personal Growt A complete centre for BTEC Level 1, Entry Level WorkSkills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing qualifications
2016, if you have achieved the required grades needed to get an overall qualification grade and you have made an application for a University place via UCAS, we will share your result with them in advance of results day. This ...
With options events getting closer, we are here to support you in your conversations about BTEC. Our free online BTEC Options tool could help you deliver your best options evenings and open days ever this Autumn.Designed to showcase the specific BTEC courses you offer, this engaging online tool...