课业(Assignment)是BTEC(HND)实施“以学生为中心”的重要教学形式之一,我们在设计课业时要注意以下几点。 (1)最好所有的课业都用统一的模板,这有助于让学生快速浏览他们所需的信息,让学生清楚地了解自己应当做什么。 (2)每门课的课业数最好别超过3个,每个课业都设计D2,保证学生按时交课业。 (3)在设置课业时...
Pearson BTEC 商业与服务领域资格认证指南说明书 the real world
5)BTEC assignmentBTEC课业 6)course model课程模式 1.Advantage of Problem-based Learning Course model;以问题为中心学习PBL课程模式的优越性 2.Among the uarions medels of environment teaching in primary and secondary schools abroad,the"disiplines-penetration model"and the "independent course model"are th...
BTEC IN BUSINESS BTECINBUSINESSLevel 3 UNIT 2 –BusinessResources Assignment 2 Name: P4: Sources of Finance There are two main ways that abusinesscan access financial resources: From within thebusiness(internal source) Can be from thebusinessowner’s savings or from profits From outside thebusine...
Safe Learning in the Workplace – Unit 413. Learning Objectives By the end of the end of the session you will: 1.State why health and safety legislation. Health and Safety in Adult Social Care. » The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering...
BTEC Level 3 Nationals商业类。PDF文件说明书 Moving from QCF to RQF BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Business
PAGE PAGE 1 英国BTEC教学模式及其借鉴意义 一、BTEC 概况 BTEC 是英国商业与技术教育委员会(Business Technology Education Council )的简称,是英国权威的职业资格开发和颁证机构。BTEC证书是英国实施职业教育颁发的最具影响力的的国家职业资格证书之一。在英国教育体系中,学历教育和职业资格培训没有严格的界限,而是建有...
Assignment Cover Sheet Student Course Title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business(Finance) Unit Title Taxation Assignment Title Assignment Number 1 Assessor Submission Deadline Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes covered Assessment Criteria Covered 1 Explain the duties and responsibilities of the taxpractiti...
The assessment for this unit will require candidates to devise their own scenario and brief in response to the externally set assignment. There will be a four-week preparatory period followed by 15 hours of supervised time in which candidates will produce a final finished piece of artwork. This...