PAGE PAGE 1 英国BTEC教学模式及其借鉴意义 一、BTEC 概况 BTEC 是英国商业与技术教育委员会(Business Technology Education Council )的简称,是英国权威的职业资格开发和颁证机构。BTEC证书是英国实施职业教育颁发的最具影响力的的国家职业资格证书之一。在英国教育体系中,学历教育和职业资格培训没有严格的界限,而是建有...
Pearson BTEC高级国家资格教程指南说明书
On completion of this unit a learner should:1Understand the advantages of using CAD in comparison with other methods 2Know about the software and hardware required to produce CAD drawings 3Be able to produce and interpret CAD drawings 4Be able to use CAD software to produce 3D drawings and ...
一攫⋯一堡一⋯皇⋯. . 脑 UjIANCO PUTER BTEC—HND课业设计初探 邓晓军L,姜文 (1湖南工业大学 计算机与通信学院 湖南株洲 412007; 2湖南Z-&大学 国际学院 湖南 株洲 412007) 【摘要】:BTECHND课程考核是通过课业形式实现的,课业任务的设计直接影响课程的教学效 果和人才培养质量,依据HND课程大纲并结合教...
The Level 3 Diploma is graded Pass, Merit and Distinction. While the qualification is Level 3 overall, Unit 8 is Level 4, reflecting the level of demand made on learners by this unit and their preparatory relationship to higher level study. On assessment, each of the Units 1-7 needs to ...
3. b.calculate the tax liability of Jogger limited company and advise on payment dates 3.cexplain how income tax deductions are to be dealt with Assignment Achievement(Please√or×) Pass (includingpass after redo) Merit Distinction M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3 Assessor’s additional feedback and comm...