1、TCode: FIBF 2、点击菜单【坏境】->【信息系统(处理)】,查看Process和对应的示例Function (也可以直接使用TCode:BERP,打开该页面) 输入“00001120” (00001120 凭证过帐: 字段替代表头/项目), 后点击执行 (如果1这里为空,则会查询出所有的bte) 找到我们所需的bte,点击按钮“sample function module”查看对...
1、 T-code: FIBF 进入BTEs的界面 2、 Environment->Infosystem(Processes)->运行->Process 00001120->Sample function module 3、 回到FIFB界面,Settings->Products->...of customer->New Entries加入自己的product激活 4、 回到FIFB界面,Settings->Process Modules->... of customer->新建主键是 00001120的Proce...
1.今天遇到一个问题,看项目上做了BTE增强00001120 事件的BTE 但是自定义函数 更改了参数 t_bseg t_bkpf MODIFY t_bkpf FROM ls_bkpf TRANSPORTING budat. MODIFY t_bsegFROM ls_bsegTRANSPORTING vbund. 测试下来发现,没有更BSEG的值, 查看函数;OPEN_FI_PERFORM_00001120_P , 可以看到 T_BSEG,T_BKPF 在函数...
1、T-code: FIBF进入BTEs的界面 2、Environment->Infosystem(Processes)->运行->Process 00001120->Sample function module 3、回到FIFB界面,Settings->Products->...of customer->New Entries加入自己的product激活 4、回到FIFB界面,Settings->Process Modules->... of customer->新建主键是00001120的Process,并将...
This is why the Z_SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001120 is not triggered. Secondly, I editted the itab values in the debugger and made the control to go inside the Z function module. But here the document number is not yet generated (BKPF-BELNR). This is the value I have to concatenate with GJAHR...
Earlier I have implemented BTE 00001120 for changing SGTXT field in BSEG, it worked perfectly . But as there are no KUNNR & LIFNR fields present in BSEG_SUBST structure , i am unable to use the same BTE . So is there any other way to achieve this functionality ? My requirement is ...
Example for BTE 00001120 - ERP Financials - SCN Wiki Hope this helps. Reply former_member196331 Active Contributor In response to Former Member 2016 Jun 09 8:11 AM 0 Kudos 925 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I will check it. Yes it is possible, We can do it in a singl...
I have chekced in debugging BTE 00001120 is triggering, but Accounting Document number is not available as it does not get created by that time. I am searching for the alternative BTE. Kindly let me know if any other alternative solution. Thanks Sree suresh_subramanian2 Active Contributor ...
2.TCODE:BEREforPublishandSubscribeInterfaceBERPforProcessInterface。选中第一步得到的EventID,转到Samplefunctionmodule。如:’SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00001120’或者’SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001120’,拷贝为自定义的函数。如:ZINTERFACE_00001120或者ZPROCESS_00001120’。 3.BF24:定义客户组件。并且在Active上打勾。 4.BF34...
Copy BTE FM to ZSAMPLE_PROCESS_00001120 and make changes as per ur requirement and follow the config step to activate this BTE. Pls follow the Below BTE document for further details for activation steps: https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/207835fb-0a01-...