加载中... 00:00/00:00 评论 还没有人评论过,快来抢首评 发布 第一次单人Defeated Dreadbloon![BTD6 Boss(elite non\-ranked)全知识有力量双金实况]1 探索游戏世界 发布于:北京市 2023.05.24 02:37 +1 首赞 收藏 推荐视频 已经到底了 热门视频 已经到底了 ...
Affectionately known as speedy boi, but it may be some time before you feel any affection for this incredibly tough boss Spawns with a temporary shield of wind that for a short time blows away all projectiles that are too slow to pass through it Natural Bloon spawns are buffed by Vortex’s...
Get detailed stats about every Paragon and some Heroes in Bloons TD 6 such as damage or pierce, including the degree/hero level calculators. open_in_new Recent Boss Events Look at the latest boss events' details and ranked leaderboards for normal and elite, sometimes including events that ...
Boss tiles are scored by time using the same timer as boss events in a timed ranked mode. To capture a tile controlled by another team, a player must beat that team's score. Starting four hours after being captured, scores will slowly degrade every hour, (e.g. a Least Tiers tile ...
Partially to help a little with tedious endgame farm collection in ranked boss events, or any other use you may desire for it, we have added a non-power form of easy banana collection. However we do not want to trivialize the intended downside of opting for a more micro intensive farm ...