英文名称Boss Event BOSS活动是《气球塔防6》中的一个活动。 目录 1简介 1.1重试 2回合变动 3BOSS挑战 4排位模式 5奖励 5.1游玩奖励 5.1.1普通 5.1.2精英 5.2排位奖励 5.2.1普通总排行榜迷你排行榜 5.2.2精英总排行榜
竞速打累了,随手锤一下Dreadbloon休息下[BTD6 Boss Event 普通非排位 全知识无力量实况] 168 0 10:55 App 抽点时间打个奥德赛吧[BTD6 Odyssey「Freeway Traffic」困难 无知识无力量攻略 1岛] 988 0 04:39 App 垃圾游戏 223 0 18:17 App #157 完结![BTD6 Odyssey「Freeway Traffic」困难 无知识无...
To prevent event games running past the final cutoff on score submission time, there will now be a short break in the final moments of competitive events in which the event is still active but no further games can be started Structural and performance reworks to Bloons and the Bloon overlay ...
Nope, those Bloons got vanished. If you could bring any old boss bloon into BTD6's boss event, which one would it be? We would love to have every Boss Bloon featured in BTD6 eventually! a little late, but what did the NZ division do for Matariki (Maori New Year)? Matariki was a ...
Contested Territory is an event that was first released to Bloons TD 6 in Update 32.0. First announced on the official Version 30.0 patch notes, it is a returning event from Bloons Monkey City with a revamped gameplay, with the aim of utilizing teamwork to capture multiple tiles throughout a...
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ const String kBloonPagesClass = 'bloon_pages'; const String kBossPagesClass = 'boss_pages'; const String kMapPagesClass = 'map_pages'; // --- Consts for widget_engagement --- // --- Consts for event names --- const String widgetEngagement = 'widget_engagement...
· Massive new Event system -Contested Territories! · 全新的大型赛事系统---领地争夺!(以下简称CT) o We set out to make this big, inspired by Bloons Monkey City’s instanced six player, single challenge framework but pushing it to be truly next level for BTD6. Big was an understa...
· Massive new Event system -Contested Territories! · 全新的大型赛事系统---领地争夺!(以下简称CT) o We set out to make this big, inspired by Bloons Monkey City’s instanced six player, single challenge framework but pushing it to be truly next level for BTD6. Big was an understa...
To prevent event games running past the final cutoff on score submission time, there will now be a short break in the final moments of competitive events in which the event is still active but no further games can be started Structural and performance reworks to Bloons and the Bloon overlay ...
这个boss好像是会吃掉非永久持续buff(包括变身)来回血,像000猴村的加范围这样的永久buff不会被吃掉。除此之外卖塔也会让boss回血。这个打法并不节省时间,请不要在boss竞速中直接使用。 22 10 1 缓存 分享 相关推荐 评论31 1262 1 19:28 App 【气球塔防6】211014精英boss本杰明、满知识、无力量、非...