新的 Btcpay 服务器插件旨在加强比特币隐私 根据以隐私为中心的比特币钱包平台Wasabi Wallet和比特币支付处理商Btcpay的公告,商家现在可以混淆其传入和传出的比特币 (BTC)交易。该技术以 Btcpay 新插件的形式出现,由 Andrew Camilleri 开发,基于 Wasabi Wallet 的 Wabisabi coinjoin 协调协议。Btcpay 插件的方案“...
建议你创建一个新的钱包,而不是使用旧钱包,这样你就不必费心地重新扫描地址上的余额了。 完成后,单击Wallet -> Information,复制主公钥,将其粘贴回BTCPayServer管理,选中已启用,然后保存。 接下来,向下滚动到Lightning nodes (Experimental),然后单击修改modify。 应该设置你的连接字符串,但如果没有,请粘贴以下内容: ...
建议你创建一个新的钱包,而不是使用旧钱包,这样你就不必费心地重新扫描地址上的余额了。 完成后,单击Wallet -> Information,复制主公钥,将其粘贴回BTCPayServer管理,选中已启用,然后保存。 image 接下来,向下滚动到Lightning nodes (Experimental),然后单击修改modify。 image 应该设置你的连接字符串,但如果没有,请粘...
{ path: 'wallet', diff --git a/frontend/src/app/components/accelerate-checkout/accelerate-checkout.component.html b/frontend/src/app/components/accelerate-checkout/accelerate-checkout.component.html index 39e6599714..b8b9a42837 100644 --- a/frontend/src/app/components/accelerate-checkout/...
Copy the payment URL from the invoice and paste it into your wallet's Send screen. Check your payment details and then send payment. 3) Open the payment in your wallet If your device hosts the wallet that you use to view your invoice. You can open the payment by tappi...
Launch a server in a cloud, your own hardware device or use an existing host. Connect your e-commerce store or use one of many apps to get paid. Funds arrive directly to your connected wallet.Essential Apps Built-in Features you use the most are baked right into every instance so you...
You can also open port 50002 up to the internet on your router etc, to be part of the ElectrumX network, helping other Electrum wallet users to get connected. The bitcoin option -txindex is mandatory for ElectrumX, and this fragment will enable it on your BTCPay server automatically - No ...
Copy the payment URL from the invoice and paste it into your wallet's Send screen. Check your payment details and then send payment. 3) Open the payment in your wallet If your device hosts the wallet that you use to view your invoice. You can open the payment by t...
You can import your existing wallet or create a new wallet. Even though I have an existing Bitcoin, I still prefer to create a new wallet on BTCPAY Server. There are two types of wallets you can create: Hot wallet Watch-only wallet ...
Wallet: Improve info message (#5756) @rockstardev Item Editor: Apply item changes directly (#5849 #5871) @dennisreimann Specify mailto: prefix for emails in Server Settings (#5844) @TChukwuleta @dennisreimann UI: Improve Create First Store view (#5854) @dennisreimann ...