Rainbow Chart 是BTC 最早的指标之一。你可以任何时候在blockchaincenter这个网站上看的到。 如图所示,横轴是时间,纵轴是BTC的对数价格。可以看出,比特币的价格随时间基本落入一条彩虹带。颜色越冷,买入信号越强烈,反之亦然。长线来看,使用rainbow chart进行交易能获得很好的收益。我就想,可不可以使用rainbow chart做...
Wall says the Rainbow chart “just is,” and uses the “simplest approach” of seemingly following Bitcoin’s price trajectory over the course of its history. Oftentimes, less is more, and the Reddit Rainbow chart thus far has held up to recent price action, and even was among the ...