比特币 (BTC) 的市值为1,261,771,574,131 美元,目前在 CoinGecko 上排名第一。市值是通过将代币价格乘以 BTC 代币的流通量来衡量的(目前市场上有 2000 万个代币可交易)。 比特币(BTC)的完全稀释估值是多少? 比特币 (BTC) 的完全稀释估值 (FDV) 为1,341,039,798,000 美元。这是最高市值的统计表示,假设...
The current circulating supply of Bitcoin (BTC) is $19,808,046.00 Bitcoin (BTC) can be purchased on virtually any decentralized or centralized cryptocurrency exchange. The TabTrader app aggregates 20+ major cryptocurrency exchanges and allows users to monitor 20K+ trading instruments in real time. ...
Inflation rate reports (CPI) don’t significantly affect the Bitcoin (BTC) price, according to an update from CoinGecko. Having launched back in 2009 after the Great Financial Crisis, Bitcoin (BTC), now the flagship digital currency, reportedly had few macroeconomic “stress tests to withstand.”...
Alexander Reed Editor Having delved into futures trading in the past, my intrigue in financial, economic, and political affairs eventually led me to a striking realization: the current debt-based fiat system is fundamentally flawed. This revelation prompted me to explore alternative avenues, including...
According to data from CoinGecko, the price of Bitcoin hovered around $51,500 early morning on February 14. The BTC/USD pair traded more than 2% up across major cryptocurrency exchanges, with prices on Coinbase having shot to an intraday high of $51,708 as of writing. As BTC bulls eye ...
除此之外,它在 Coingecko 和 DeFiLlama 等平台上的知名度进一步提升了它的知名度。Coingecko 为这些 Telegram 机器人推出了专门的部分,而 Coinmarketcap 则推出了自己的 Telegram 机器人,名为CoinMarketCap PriceBot。 5、TG Bot 收入来源 基于订阅的访问:TG Bot 以会员模式运行。要访问其服务,用户需要支付费用,例...
梅拉尼亚(Melania)推出时,它的交易量为14.496美元。从那时起,它损失了其价值的87.1%。根据Coingecko数据,硬币目前的交易价格接近1.70美元。 在过去的七天中,令牌下降了30.45%。硬币表现不佳,“美国制造”加密货币市场平均下降了11.6%。 分析师指出,从1月21日开始的售罄,直到上周六才显示出明显的逆转迹象。技术指标表...
币界网报道:上周,比特币价格强势反弹,价格一度触及65000美金附近,带动了不少山寨币价格的强劲回升,其中链游板块表现尤为突出。根据 Coingecko 数据,Gaming(GameFi)板块过去一周涨幅 17.3%;当前总市值为15,460,144,051美元,位列板块排行第 40 名。近一周内,GameFi 板块代币数量从 418 涨至419,增加了 1 个项目...
【Glassnode:2019年的比特币买家已全部回到盈利状态】金色财经报道,区块链分析公司 Glassnode 最新研究数据显示,2019 年的比特币买家现在已经全部回到盈利状态,当年平均套现价格(average withdrawal price)为 21,800 美元。不过,那些在 2020 年和 2022 年购买比特币
Marketcap = number of coins/circulating supply of the token * current price per coin/token) 市值(Marketcap) = Token的数量/Token流通供应量 * 每个Token当前价格 将市值与稀释后的市值进行比较,稀释后的市值通常可以在coinmarketcap.com和coingecko.com这样的工具型网站上找到。 稀释后市值表示:某个Token在...