神圣计划25周年彩色版 八神太一/石田大和配色版的特典卡。前几天Digimon Con的时候PB预约页面就有预览了,当时没留意,今天补发一个。
Vote up the rip-offs that aren't trying to hide it like Digimon does. Ever since Pokémon was first introduced to the world in 1995, the series has gone on to become a huge media phenomenon. As the original video games proved to be immensely popular, the franchise aggres...
Vote up the rip-offs that aren't trying to hide it like Digimon does. Ever since Pokémon was first introduced to the world in 1995, the series has gone on to become a huge media phenomenon. As the original video games proved to be immensely popular, the franchise aggre...
「龙珠」40周年纪念新作动画「龙珠Daima」最新预告PV公开,确定于2024年10月11日开播 🎉 32 0 01:09 App 「蓝箱」TV动画最新预告公开 🎉 2024年10月开播🔥🔥! 41 0 02:01 App 「Re:从零开始的异世界生活」第3季PV 🎉 将于2024年10月开播 🎉 5206 4 01:53 App 越前龙马封神一战,立海...
Myotismon is an Ultimate Level Digimon dressed as an elegant count. He is definitely the biggest, baddest antagonist in Digimon Adventure. His relentless attempts at taking over the Digital World and the real world involve everything from enslaving swarms of bats to attack his opponents to capturi...
【安防】可以从我方的手牌中,不支付费用登场1张驯兽师卡牌。此后,此卡牌加入手牌。 神圣计划25周年彩色版 八神太一/石田大和配色版的特典卡。前几天Digimon Con的时候PB预约页面就有预览了,当时没留意,今天补发一个。