Don't worry I NEARLY CHUCKED THE SMARTHUB 2 in the bin then 🤣 luckily enough I'd seen your reply 1st, fingers crossed that nothing will go wrong with my ASUS DSL-AC68U VDSL modem / router 🤗. Now I read something on Reddit or YouTube about Trend Micro log files going back to...
The latest BT TV Box Pro works over WiFi, including delivering a selection of Freeview channels over the internet. You will need to recontract and make sure you get a Smart Hub 2. 2 Ratings Reply dek1573 Aspiring Contributor on 10-09-2023 13h32 1,885 Views Message 4 of 7 Re...
I bought the RT router as I thought maybe it was an issue with the XR500 as the BT smart hub 2 was getting full speeds. I have tried all the settings under the sun and still can’t achieve the full speeds 😞 anyone have any experience with this? I’ve spoken to BT and they ...
My smarthub is downstairs and my gaming pc and playstation is upstairs so a direct ethernet connection is not possible so i have my pc and consoles connected to my router through powerline adapters. Other things i have tried are: turning firewall off, port forwarding, Qos( i also have my...
Don't worry I NEARLY CHUCKED THE SMARTHUB 2 in the bin then 🤣 luckily enough I'd seen your reply 1st, fingers crossed that nothing will go wrong with my ASUS DSL-AC68U VDSL modem / router 🤗. Now I read something on Reddit or YouTube about Trend Micro log files going back to...
Don't worry I NEARLY CHUCKED THE SMARTHUB 2 in the bin then 🤣 luckily enough I'd seen your reply 1st, fingers crossed that nothing will go wrong with my ASUS DSL-AC68U VDSL modem / router 🤗. Now I read something on Reddit or YouTube about Trend Micro log files going back to...