Solved: Hello there. Sorry to bother you all again but shortly I am about to receive a BT Smart Hub (6) router/modem from ebay, opened but unused. I
Whether through copper wires or fibre optic cables, broadband connects your home to the internet. This enables your Wi-Fi hub to establish a network for your devices to connect to. See what broadband you can get with BT What types of broadband are there? Different types of broadband ...
Talks to your Smart Hub 2 to create a seamless, powerful network You should be able to stream HD content anywhere in your home One disc is enough for most homes to get a signal everywhere If one disc doesn’t give you signal in every room, you can add extra discs ...
The BT Home Hub 1.0 router has 54mbps WiFi, 2 100mbps ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. Quick links: Default password/Login Other versions of the Home Hub Home Hub 1.0 router specifications (specs) System specs CPU: 256 MHz RAM: 32 MiB Flash: 8 MiB Custom firmwares: OpenWrt Connectivity...
高速路由器BTHOMEHUB5 高速路由器产品介绍U盘设计方案通常,一条关于新上市的路由器的新闻,根本不会引起我们太多的关注,更不会引得我们急切地想要买它回家。我们更想要一台全新的游戏机数字时代
This is the place to ask questions, offer advice or maybe just share your experience on wireless connections, PC Setup, hardware issues, Networking,
BT HomeHub 3 compatibility These routers have a known issue that prevents them from working with Sonos. The solution below will ensure that they will work with Sonos. Issue The Sonos app loses connection to your Sonos system. Solution Restart your router. If the issue still exists, use a th...
TheBT 4G Home Hub(also known as the4G Home Router) is a 4G-powered home broadband router from BT. It’s based on the very similar4GEE Home Router, a device that’s used to offer 4G broadband on EE. When you’re using the BT 4G Home Hub, it’ll allow you to get up to 32 de...
BT’s smart setup is great if you have children and want to restrict access to certain websites but if you don’t have children and you DO want to have access to thosewebsites, smart setup can be a pain! In this short how-to guide we talk you through it… ...
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