With our fastest fibre broadband, unlimited mobile and a digital phone line you can answer from anywhere. Meet BT Halo for business Frequently asked questions What’s happened to BT Plus? What’s the difference between Halo 1 and Halo 2?
Business broadband and fibre Whether your business is just starting up or growing rapidly, staying connected with fast and reliable broadband is essential. But business broadband is about more than just pure internet connectivity. For example, it powers VoIP phone systems, enables website hosting, ...
From Ultra Fast Full Fibre broadband to TV & Mobile, BT helps UK families, communities & companies reach their potential. Find more BT products here.
Multiple users and devices can upload files, share data and make video calls all at the same time. Business fibre: making phone lines digital By 2027, the UK’scopper PSTN network will be switched offto make way for the fibre network. As well as improving broadband across the country, a...
In addition, it’s also possible get an ADSL (copper) broadband plan if you’re unable to get fibre broadband at your address. You can add features likeEE TVandComplete Wi-Fito your fibre broadband plan from BT. For more information, see ourBT Broadband review. ...
On the Fibre Essential and Fibre 1 plans, you’ll get BT Virus Protect included for use on 2 devices. If you want to use Virus Protect on more devices, you can pay an extra £4/month to upgrade your license to devices. Meanwhile, if you choose BT’s Fibre 2 or a BT Full Fibre...
So with Old BT Broadband we could choose which frequency devices connected to, but you can't with Fibre as far as I can see. I've been trying to set
In addition, it’s also possible get an ADSL (copper) broadband plan if you’re unable to get fibre broadband at your address. You can add features likeEE TVandComplete Wi-Fito your fibre broadband plan from BT. For more information, see ourBT Broadband review. ...
What's the difference between BT Broadband and BT Superfast Fibre? BT Broadband is BT’s standard broadband service that runs on ADSL, which uses the same copper wires that your phone line uses. Fibre optic is usually a lot quicker than ADSL,but it isn't available everywhere. To see wha...
Re: Alexa on 2.4Ghz, phone on 5Ghz using BT Fibre - not talking to each other! I have numerous Alexa devices and can see then all and whether online or offline regardless of whether connected to 2.4/5ghz maybe start from alexa device factory reset and then ...