Bachelor’s degrees in social work (BSW) online Ph.D. in Social Work Online Guide to Online Social Work Degrees: BSW, MSW, DSW & PhD There are a variety of online social work degrees to choose from depending on your career goals. Some students pursue an online bachelor’s in social ...
This paper presents pilot study results with 59 students enrolled in online Bachelor of Social Work courses that used VoiceThread (VT), an asynchronous communication platform. This study explored benefits and limitations associated with using VT to complete assignments, learn course content, and engage...
SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH AFRICAN AMERICAN FAMILIES I. Course Description This course is designed to provide an overview of historical and contemporary issues facing African American families and children. Social service delivery to African American families and communities is emphasized. This course is ...
Though focused on the community organizing course, the article offers insight into the broader potential of the teaching approach for social work educators.View full textDownload full textKeywordscommunity organizing, social work education in regions of conflict, mixed teaching methodsRelated var addthis...
The article presents a study that examined whether instruction of a social work course could be directed effectively to students beyond inert online or classroom settings. Traditional teaching strategies are compared with mobile learning and distance education. A definition and the history of mobile ...
This teaching note describes the use of anonymous, online, graded, peer review in an undergraduate social work human behavior in the social environment writing-intensive course. Students (N=37) provided written feedback describing their learning from writing and receiving peer reviews. Students ...
This teaching note describes the use of anonymous, online, graded, peer review in an undergraduate social work human behavior in the social environment writing-intensive course. Students ( N =37) provided written feedback describing their learning from writing and receiving peer reviews. Students ...
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) students were surveyed at the beginning and end of a child abuse course and results indicated that 19.7 % of the students reported being sexually abused during childhood. Results also indicated that taking a child abuse course may increase BSW students' self‐...
Drawing on student reflections, the study provides a useful exemplar of how a BSW research course can shape students understanding of the role of research in practice that supports the even larger goal of contributing to the professions impact on social problems and its role in social change....
Immersion learning is one form of experiential education and has great utility in social work education. However, there is limited research on student learning outcomes from immersion learning courses in social work education. This ethnographic research describes an immersion learning course offered to ...