Thermo Scientific FastDigest Bst1107I restriction enzyme recognizes GTA^TAC site and cuts best at 37°C in 5–15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. Isoschizomers: BstZ17I, BssNAI. Thermo Scientific FastDigest Bst1107I is one of an advanced line of fast restriction enzymes that are all...
Formulation1μl of enzyme (1 FDU) cleaves 1 μg of lambda DNA in 5 min at 37°C in 1X FastDigest Buffer. 保存条件: 说明书地址: 点击查看详细 打印此页 关闭此页 上一个:FastDigest? XhoI[FD0695/1200 react] 下一个:FastDigest? PflMI (Van91I)[FD0714/100 react] ...
BstZ17I-HF由携带经改造的BstZ17I基因的E.coli表达而来,该基因来自Bacillus stearothermophilus 38M (Z.Chen)。一个单位是指50μL反应体系中,37℃下1小时内消化1μg λDNA所需的酶量。 组分 1000U 5000U BstZ17I-HF(20U/μL) 50μL 250μL 10×CutFast Buffer 1.25mL 1.25mL保存:-20℃10mM Tris...