During a Base Station Subsystem (BSS) transition, the Fast BSS transition feature reduces the connectivity time loss between an Station (STA) and Direct Switching. The Fast Transition protocols are part of the reassociation service, and apply to the STA transitions between the APs ...
发货地 广东深圳 商品类型 电子元器件 、 连接器件 、 其他连接器 商品关键词 6618711BSS、 胡连、 原厂 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: 胡连 封装/规格: 原厂 连接器类型: 端子 工作温度范围: -20C ~ 130C 最小包装量: 30000 RoHS: 是 产品种类: 电子元器件 最小电源电压: 3V 最大电源电压: ...
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During a Base Station Subsystem (BSS) transition, the Fast BSS transition feature reduces the connectivity time loss between an Station (STA) and Direct Switching. The Fast Transition protocols are part of the reassociation service, and apply to the STA transitions between the ...