Since 2013, BSS has been one of China's leading players in ECG Electrode technology development and manufacturing and cooperated with partners from 106 countries in Asia, Europe, the US, as well as in the Middle East, Africa and South America. Due to the continuous growth, from 2022, BSS ... CN about certificates aboutSince 2013, BSS has been one of China's leading players in ECG Electrode technology development and manufacturing and cooperated with partners from 106 countries in Asia, Europe, the US, as well as in the Middle East, Africa and South America. ...
Bss Medical Supply Co., LimitedIndustry: medical Telephone: 86 760 85280100 Facsimile: 86 760 85280101 ADD.: no. 18, shabian road, torchi hi-tech industry zone,528437,zhongshan,china Internet site : Please log in for details Email: i***o(at) more Email: Please log in...
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