GuidelinesGiant cell arteritis, Temporal arteritisVasculitis DiagnosisManagementTemporal artery biopsyGlucocorticosteroidsScope and purpose GCA is the commonest of all the vasculitides. Visual loss occurs in up to one-fifth of patients, which may be preventable by prompt recognition and treatmen...
Background The British Society of Rheumatology guidelines for the diagnosis and management of giant cell arteritis (GCA), published in 20101, recommend temporal artery biopsy (TAB) in all suspected cases. Sample length should be over 1cm, with longer samples showing a greater positive predictive ...
This audit set in Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust aimed to review whether these guidelines were being adhered to. Methods Patients medical records from 1st September 2010 to 31st august 2014 were audited retrospectively. Any patient with a diagnosis of suspected GCA was eligible ...