The I2C initialization sequence depends on the I2C peripheral version, it can be as follows for I2C V1 (STM32F1xx, STM32F2xx, STM32F4xx and STM32L1xx): hi2c.Init.ClockSpeed = #I2Cn_FREQUENCY#; hi2c.Init.DutyCycle = I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2; hi2c.Init.OwnAddress1 = 0; hi2c.Init....
specifythememoryinwhichtheMMZislocated(suchasDDR,SDRAM,DDR2,or DDR3)fortheboardwithmultiplememories.Ifthisparameterissetto0,thememoryis automaticallyspecified.Typically,thisparameterissetto0. phys_start_addr:Itindicatesthephysicalstartpositionoftheallocationpoolandis expressedinhexadecimal,forexample,0Notethatth...
*/ #undef SDRAM_ECC_ENABLE /* 解释: 这里主要设置系统的内存分配定义,若分配不当,则系统不能正常加载和运行. ROM_TEXT_ADRS, ROM_SIZE, RAM_HIGH_ADRS, 和RAM_LOW_ADRS 在config.h和Makefile文件中都要定义,且必须要保持一致,这些地址的定义一定要参照VxWorks 加载执行过程,硬件手册,MMU和VxWorks的大小...
CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE #define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR #define CONFIG_BAUDRATE #define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE 3 0 2 0xBC008000 115200 {115200, 57600, 38400} #define CONFIG_NUC970_EMAC0 //#define CONFIG_NUC970_EMAC1 #define CONFIG_CMD_NET #define CONFIG...
libs-$(CONFIG_ALTERA_SDRAM) += drivers/ddr/altera/ libs-y += drivers/serial/ libs-y += drivers/usb/dwc3/ libs-y += drivers/usb/emul/ libs-y += drivers/usb/eth/ libs-y += drivers/usb/gadget/ libs-y += drivers/usb/gadget/udc/ ...
OnError_Handler(lcd_status != LCD_OK);/* Program a line event at line 0 */HAL_LTDC_ProgramLineEvent(&hltdc_eval,0);/* Copy texture to be displayed on LCD from Flash to SDRAM */CopyPicture((uint32_t*)&candies_800x480_argb8888, (uint32_t*)LCD_FB_START_ADDRESS,0,0, BSP_LCD_...
* @brief SDRAM Demo * @param None * @retval None */voidIOE_GPIO_demo(void){uint32_tioe_irq_pending_status, ioe_gpio_status;uint32_tlcd_line =85;uint8_ttest_result = IOE_GPIO_TEST_PASSED;uint8_tall_test_fail =1; GPIO_PinState mcu_pin_state; ...
- preloader_console_init() can be called here in extremis - should set up SDRAM, and anything needed to make the UART work - these is no need to clear BSS, it will be done by crt0.S - must return normally from this function (don't call board_init_r() directly) Here the BSS ...
SPL-specific notes: - stack is optionally in SDRAM, if CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R is defined and CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R_ADDR points into SDRAM - preloader_console_init() can be called here - typically this is done by defining CONFIG_SPL_BOARD_INIT and then supplying a spl_board_init() function ...
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