During his tenure as Chairman, BSP achieved many significant milestones including the expansion of BSP's banking operations through acquisitions in several Pacific countries, as well as BSP's dual listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in 2021. On behalf of the BSP Board and all ...
Online Banking is the internet-based service providing access to your Bank account(s); Telephone Banking means banking services available from time to time by telephone; Mobile Banking Service means the EB Services which we enable you to access via the Mobile Banking App or a web browser designe...
Philbert E. Varona is a member of the firm’s Special Projects and Banking, Finance & Securities groups. His practice areas include mergers and acquisitions, finance and securities, foreign investments, and infrastructure and government contracts. The significant transactions that Mr. Varona has worked...
Acopyofthereportisavailableonlineathttp://.bsp.gov.ph ReportonEconomicandFinancialDevelopments ThirdQuarter2023 TableofContents ExecutiveSummary...3 Introduction...
but ultimately your information is fed into a computer system and reduced to a number. Which means the system is deciding. Unless you are banking at a smaller, community bank, and talking to the owner or manager, chances are an impersonal system will make the ultimate decision about your loa...